Eagle coming in for a bite to eat

Here is a beautiful piece of music with special effects at the top which dazzle you:



Playing fetch in the Arctic

A new pun I just created:



November 25  Professional driver scares reporter who called the previous prank "fake"


 The happiness of just getting a new pair of shoes



Question:  How smart is this fellow?  




 Here is a song I remember from when I was a child.  I don't know where it came from, but it's really silly and we liked to sing it as kids.

"Do you ears hang low,

do they wobble to and fro?
Can you tie 'em in a knot,
Can you tie 'em in a bow?
Can you throw 'em over your shoulder 
Like a Continental Soldier?
Do your EEEARS hang low?"

Now you know it.  What do you think?

I searched this song on YouTube and found this one which most faithfully reproduces

what I learned long ago, complete with the important arm motions.



Kids and Pets Fun




Here is a video showing a miniscule ("tiny") aspect of art created by God:

God's art

Compare God's art with a painting by Jackson Pollock, titled 17A which sold for $200,000,000 to an Australian museum:




World Champion  Kite Flyer

"Romancing The Wind" - Ray Bethell - YouTube



Alien Song



What happened to my house! 



Cut off a Big Truck and OOPS!


Wow, that's fast!


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